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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ludhiana: Wife refuses to cook food, mason ends life

A mason ended his life after his wife allegedly refused to cook food for him in Ranchi Colony. The police have arrested the woman, her mother and brother.
An FIR has been lodged following the statement of the victim’s brother.
The complainant stated that his brother got married to the woman against the will of her parents and was living in the house of his in-laws, following which they started harassing him and were forcing him to leave the house. They had also threatened to kill him, he alleged.
He added that on Tuesday night, the victim returned home. He was under the influence of liquor. He asked his wife for food, but she refused, following which the couple indulged in a spat. The complainant added that meanwhile, his brother ended his life.
ASI Major Singh said that an FIR under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code has been lodged against the accused. Raids are being made to arrest the accused.
